

I am Rime; a documentary photographer and visual storyteller based in Tangier, Morocco. I believe photography is my way to capture what couldn’t be put into words; those fading meaningful moments endangered by the fragility of my memory. I took a likeness for the arts at an early age. Primarily I relied on writing for self-expression; it was my only way to deal with the world around me. With time I found out not enough writing could ever surpass the power of a single photograph. Self- taught, my work focuses on exploring the human emotions, identity,movements, thoughts, social struggles, and shedding light on environmental issues we face .
I am a self-taught street-documentary photographer. I came across photography during a photography festival. From then on, my love for the visual arts has grown stronger. That curiosity pushed me to just grab a camera and start learning by myself. It almost felt like I had a sudden need within me to know more. Throughout my photography, I try to capture authentic moments and raw emotions in everyday life. I am drawn to the beauty found in the streets, where the chaos of urban life collides with the human experience.
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Cet artiste n'a pas de projets en cours demandant soutien
Cet artiste ne participe à aucun évenement
Expositions individuelles
Exposition individuelle à La Fondation Mohammed VI
Expositions collectives
Exposition lors du «Cairo Photo Festival 2023»
Prix Révélation Face à La Mer
Exposition lors du festival «L’œil Urbain»
Exposition dans le cadre du Concours National
d’Arts Visuels, de la part de ALC et ACA.
Moroccan Talents Under 30, “Les Rencontres de la Photographie de Marrakech”
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