The invisible object is a transparent object resembling wind , breeze , steam and light. He travels across the whole body, sometimes taking his shape, knowing that he doesn't have a stable shape .
The "wusla " which lived from 1989 to 2021 to move life from home to home , come opposite to the role of the casket "mahmal" Who lived his entire life carrying death among the houses of the World .
This the spirit that took the shape of the body to begin its journey from 2021 via the life tanker " wusla" to infinity .
sur bois
41 × 82 × 6 cm
Mustapha Cherif Tribak
Oeuvre unique
Cette œuvre fait partie du lot de solidarité mis en vente caritative par les jeunes artistes en soutien aux sinistrés du séisme du 8 septembre 2023
25000 Dhs
40% du montant de la vente est directement versé sur le compte 126 de Bank Al Maghrib du Fonds de reconstruction d’Al Haouz